Welcome to
Game of
Adventure awaits.
Are you ready, hero?
To improve your
No matter how much you love your partner, those dirty coffee cups and that funky smelling laundry pile will get to you eventually.
With Game of Chores, you can end the “it sure feels like I always do the dishes” debate once and for all.
Bye-bye bickering, hello transparency. Come on in, greater equality.
To tap into your
competitive energy
On the Game of Chores leaderboard, you can follow in real-time who’s the boss of your tribe. Our stats don’t lie.
Sneaking out late in the evening with the trash, to earn extra points? Yes. It will happen. Trust us.
(And, as a lucky bi-product, your home might soon be the most in order it has ever been.)
To make chores
fun and meaningful
You’re emptying the dishwasher for the umpteenth time, thinking: “What the heck is the point of all this?”
With Game of Chores you will finally be earning well-deserved points for all those little things in life.
The Tada! List will offload that ever-running list from your mind - and replace it with delightful peace.
Let's get in touch.
We are super-eager to hear what you think.
Get in touch atbeta@crimsonvale.seor just tap the button.
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2020 Crimson Vale Consulting